To check users and their priviliage's
SELECT `host`,`user`,`Grant_priv` FROM mysql.user;
If Grand_priv is 'Y' then the user can grand priviliages to other users. Otherwise 'N' means not.
Grant Priviliage's
GRANT ALL ON `db_name`.`table_name` TO 'user_name'@'host_name' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
* db_name
- to put which database can access by the user. If putting * means all db's can accessible by the user
* table_name
- to which table can access by the user. otherwise * means all tables in the db can accessible.
* user_name
- which user going to get this permissions
* host_name
- Which host is accessible by the user.
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO `root`@`%` IDENTIFIED BY 'pass123';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO `root`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY 'pass123';
GRANT ALL ON `user_management`.* TO `root`@`%` IDENTIFIED BY 'pass123';
GRANT ALL ON `user_management`.`user_info` TO `root`@`%` IDENTIFIED BY 'pass123';
Show Granted Priviliage's
SHOW GRANTS FOR `user_name`@`host_name`;
SHOW GRANTS FOR `root`@`localhost`;
SHOW GRANTS FOR `root`@`%`;
Drop/Revoke Grant Priviliage's in MYSQL
REVOKE ALL ON *.* FROM `root`@`%` IDENTIFIED BY 'pass123';
REVOKE ALL ON *.* FROM `root`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY 'pass123';
REVOKE ALL ON `user_management`.* FROM `root`@`%` IDENTIFIED BY 'pass123';
REVOKE ALL ON `user_management`.`user_info` FROM `root`@`%` IDENTIFIED BY 'pass123';