Knowledge Walls
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Introduction [cont'd]
Input Output Functions [cont'd]
Structures and Unions [cont'd]
# Preprocessor [cont'd]
If in Decision Statements of Programming in C
If statement 
Simple IF statement is used to execute particular statements with certain conditions. It controls the flow of statement execution. If given condition is true then the block of statements will get executed.
if (condition or expression)
IF example
//To check given no is even number
void main(){
    int num;
    printf("Enter a number to check given number is even\n");
    if ((num % 2) == 0){
        printf("Given Number is even:%d",num);
Enter a number to check given number is even

Given Number is even:12
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Decision Statements of Programming in C
Decision Statements of Programming in C
Decision Statements of Programming in C
Decision Statements of Programming in C
Decision Statements of Programming in C
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Input Output Functions of Programming in C
Input Output Functions of Programming in C
Input Output Functions of Programming in C
Input Output Functions of Programming in C
Input Output Functions of Programming in C
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Structures and Unions of Programming in C
Input Output Functions of Programming in C
Structures and Unions of Programming in C
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