Knowledge Walls
Gopal Rao
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Or and and condition in sql server in Queries of SQL Queries
"and" used to compare two column values in where condition.If both condition statisfies select command select the column which is related to that conditions.

"or" used to compare two column values in where condition.If any one condition statisfies select command select the column which is related to that conditions.

In following example and & or are used together.
select columnName from tableName where (condition1 or condition2)and condition3;

//select the column where the condition1,condition2 any one of that statisfying and condition3
must be statisfying.
Get the employee numbers for all employees who have a
leading job( i.e., Analyst or Manager) in project p1..

select emp_no from Works_on where (job='Analyst' or job='Manager')and project_no='p1';
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